PCE BASED Admixtures Importers

PCE BASED Admixtures Importers

We choose the PCE Polymers to compete with the current Indian competition - The water reduction efficiency of PCE concrete admixture can be up to 25% - 40%. It is mainly used in the ready-mixed and precast concrete , PCE-High Slump Retention is a new generation superplasticizer for concrete. It contains polycarboxylate ether polymers and is specially formulated for ready-mix concrete where slump retention, high strength and durability are required in hot climates. It is chloride-free, meets SS EN 934, Set retarding/high range water reducing/super plasticizing admixtures, and ASTM C 494 requirements for Type F & G. It is also compatible with all cements meeting the ASTM standards. As an ideal admixture for the ready-mixed concrete industry, PCE superplasticizer has the ability to work with a low water/cement ratios and still obtain extended slump retention to make high-quality concrete.